I love that you have arrived. You are in the right place! I wear many hats and want you to enjoy all the many endeavors that I explore, through books, blogs and poetry. I thrive on being creative and always have many projects in the works. Stay tuned, more writings coming soon!


As an author, I know how hard it can be to stay focused during a long writing session. Over the years I've found a few things that help me! You can read about some of them in my most recent article, How To Keep Focused During Long Writing Sessions.


My First Book

“538: Murder, Suicide and A Mother’s Love” is a historical fiction, about a mother’s journey in and out of dysfunction and how she finds herself in the trenches, none at her choosing.



My Cheryle Shares blog encompasses many topics; basically, whatever I'm up to at any given time. 

Sadie Says introduces you to events within the book; a get acquainted of sorts.  Sadie starts off by introducing all the main characters of the book in a storyline.



Another direction that my writing manifests is within poetry, as it seems to come to me on a whim; sometimes fun and sometimes serious.

58 Angels

Guest Authors

I welcome Guest Authors throughout the year, so please take a peek at what adventures they are up to.

If you are interested in being featured on my website.  
Please get in touch!